Previews”Looks as if the game is what I mentioned I was looking forward to.”
Mike Fahey, Kotaku
It truly looks amazing.
Chris Capel, Gamrevolution
Conan Chop Chop, which is a blend that combines Conan and Cyanide, and full of joy through its images, proves the possibilities of dreams are endless.
Darren Bonthuys – Critical Hit
The details of the GameThe wicked wizard Thoth-Amon has devised a plan to resurrect the evil of ancient times known as Xaltotun. He is threatening to take over the world if he succeeds. Only you will stop him, but for that to succeed, you will need all of the tricks in your arsenal. Use all the guile. All your strength and skill should be utilized. Chop Chop is what you need to be doing!
Conan Chop Chop, the ultimate stick figure game in Conan the Barbarian’s realm, will feature a lot of blood and fly arms. Take note that this can be followed by explosive outbursts and violence, typically based on the side of the sword you are on.1-4 players. Play solo to enjoy the most thrilling experience of a Roguelike, or bring your friends together in couch co-op mode.
Become Conan… or someone different! If you don’t have a thought or brain, and only your muscle? No worries! You can choose from a variety of warrior gods before adding items and weapons to fit your individual style.
Take on adventures of absolute incredibleness! You’re about to save the world! You will still be charged by the merchants who purchase your products. There are some townspeople who may be pestering you with their work. You can be sure that some will be more than willing to compensate you for your efforts.
You can explore in all directions! Explore the shifting sands of Koth and explore the deep woods in Darkwood or bravely explore the searing land of Hyperboria as you explore the freezing realm of Vanaheim. Conan Chop Chop will allow players to play on the left and left sides, as well as up and down. You may find yourself jumping and running or performing diagonally-oriented movements and give you an immersive 3-D experience.
Loot, loot , and more loot! You can master the art of carefully smacking opponents’ heads with a broom and making them chop suey with an ordinary sword. Conan Chop Chop contains a vast array of weapon types as well as trinkets and other legendary items that can be adapted to any kind of violent playstyle it is possible to think of.
Amazing combos are possible! Perform the breathtaking 360deg spin-attack to crack skulls all around you. You’ll be able to speed up at the speed of lightning. It will be possible to move your sword either sideways or even longways. You’ll find yourself gasping for air while trying to understand the magnitude of your fighting moves.
They are bosses with a ruthless streak! The first thing you have to do is take on The Giant Sand Worm Of Koth as well as The Frost Giant from Vanaheim before you are able to take on Thoth-Amon. Neither of these bosses are very sympathetic to the cause you are fighting. They will instead try to kill you using a number of deadly techniques such as Lava Reflux, Tail Whip and Loogie Glob.
Infinite replayability! Unpredictably random maps as well as tons of weapon and ability options to play with ensure every new game will be a whole new experience. Although you’ll likely be killed multiple times, unlocking new weapons will help you make it to the next level.