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Neon White Game Review

The fastest first-person action game that is set in the gates that lead to Heaven.
Neon White, a fast-paced first-person game that focuses on exterminating Heaven’s demons is super fast. White is an assassin from Hell who fights demon slayers to win an eternal place in Heaven. Other assassins look familiar however… did you have a connection with them in your past time?


You can play as NeonWhite an assassin who was rescued from Hell so that he can face other demon-slayers and win an opportunity to redeem yourself.

* To strike enemies or discard them to gain special abilities for movement, gather “Soul Card”

• Compete to win the fastest times by cleverly combining cards to discover massive opportunities.

Find out the secrets of Heaven through getting acquainted with the others who are assassins… Have you get to know them from a prior existence?

Review by sakura porn comic