Circus Electrique

Circus Electrique was named for the top Victorian steampunk London show, is part narrative driven by RPGs, part tactics that are utterly captivating and all of it with a steampunk twist.

If every day Londoners mysteriously turn into vicious killings, the circus’ lineup of Strongmen and Fire Blowers, Clowns and other performers possess the unique skills needed to protect the city. These unlikely heroes must face British Sailors, who are now bad and the vicious Posh Girls and other Victorian archetypes. The game’s unique Devotion morale system influences characters their performance, not just in fights, but also during actual circus shows, dutifully managed between heroic jaunts through six sprawling districts.

The Most Important Features
A pulsing RPG combat
Check out the capabilities of Strongmen or Fire Blowers. Escape Artists, Clowns, and other classic circus performers – fifteen archetypes playable in total Each with powerful combat options. Make the ideal team of acrobatic artists to fight against the most outrageous foes.

Take control of the biggest show in Steampunk London
In spite of the mess but the show must carry for the sake of it! The circus needs to be rebuilt in its glory days and above by recruiting finest performers from all over the world and teaching the best performers. The quality or lack thereof of any performance is decided by the talents of the performers as well as their overall commitment. The show will require more Shillings than you can in order to help Amelia and ensure that everyone is happy and well-paid.

It’s a Circus Like No Other
In this tour, you will experience an fantastical worlds based on the Victorian-era archetypes and vintage poster of circuses and steampunk glamour.

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